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Sailing courses for young people on paraglider dinghy RS FEVA

Stickl Sports Camp

After the optics course the sailing career continues on the two-man dinghy RS FEVA in two courses for young people - best in the family package with strong discounts!

Sailing course Youngster beginners

After the opti sailing for children from 6-12 years the sailing continues on the two-man dinghy FEVA.

The Feva is the best-selling youth boat worldwide and is used by most sailing associations as a training boat after the Opti. With a length of 3.40 m and a weight of only 69 kg, it is easy to handle, has excellent sailing characteristics and also offers a genack for maximum sailing fun. The change from the one-man-boat Opti is made much easier, because the Feva is sailed without a harness and therefore also involves less risk. With this offer we want to give the numerous families with children, who have already taken several optics courses with us, a possibility to offer their kids a further education on dinghies, before they can change to bigger dinghies at the age of 16.

At least one completed optics course and subsequent practice. Minimum age 10 years, be able to swim and enjoy sailing. After a longer break from sailing and only one optics course, we recommend another week in the Opti and switching to FEVA in the second week.

Course Content:

  • Practical preparation in dry training
  • Boat handling of a tilting planing dinghy
  • Coordination on a two-man boat
  • Sailing with outrigger and tiller boom
  • Tacking and jibing
  • capsize and right
  • capsize and right

The aim of the course is to be able to sail a two-man dinghy safely in medium wind conditions after 5 days.

Feva RS with Genacker

Sailing course youngster-advanced

In the advanced course we sail in wind forces up to 4 Beaufort! Planing with Genacker and fun with fast sporty sailing.


Experience after a beginner's course on the Feva or privately acquired knowledge on planing dinghies. Be able to swim, be sporty and fit and enjoy sporty sailing!

Course Content:

  • Refreshing the knowledge after the e-course
  • Perfecting manoeuvres in different wind strengths
  • Instruction in genoa sailing

The aim of the course is to sail the Feva up to 4 Beaufort, even with a genaker, and to master all manoeuvres in a technically correct way.

Weekly program and services

  • Issue of rental equipment SA and SO from 9.00 a.m. onwards
  • Welcome drink and briefing on Sunday 18.00 in the sports camp
  • 5-day course programme with 2.5 hours per day MO-FR
  • equipment provided
  • Welcome evening on MO. at the ROSA BEACH restaurant*
  • Theory exam on FR. (Youngest - sailing license)
  • Final regatta
  • Final evening on FR. with prize-giving at the ROSA BEACH restaurant *
  • * not included in the price

Equipment: We provide wetsuits, harnesses and life jackets free of charge. Shoes should be brought along. Or you can purchase the ideal neoprene slippers for only 25 € on site. 

ExtrasVDWS Cat Basic Licence. Registration and exam fee 30,-€ on site.

RS Feva with blue sails

Course prices

  • In this table you will find all the courses and prices and you can make a request directly with one click.
  • Prices that are not highlighted with a link can only be booked on site.
  • Services like private lessons, special wishes, foil training and all prices not marked with a link can be requested with the contact form.
  • With a click on the course category ( RED ) you can choose your right course from a complete selection of all courses!

2 hrs.

4 hrs.

1 day

2 days

3 days

4 days

5 days

6 days

7 days

Children Opti Beginner


Children Opti Advanced


Youngster Beginner



Youngster Advanced




Advanced 1


Advanced 2


SBF Inland & Sea

SBF Inland & Sea Compact




Rental prices

  • In this price table you can go directly to the request by clicking on the rental price and choose your date.
  • Rental services that are not highlighted with a link can only be booked on site.
  • With a click on the category, e.g. Cat sailing, you will get an overview of all rental services of the respective category with information about the service and the choice of date.

2 hrs.

4 hrs.

1 day

2 days

3 days

4 days

5 days

6 days

7 days

Sailing rental pool 

All-Inclusive (Mon.-Fri.)










Seascape 18



Seascape 24 / J 70


