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Jobs in the sports camp as trainer, supervisor and service staff

Stickl Sportcamp has developed in 45 years on Lake Garda into one of the top addresses on the water sports market. The esteem in the industry is very much based on the reputation of our first-class training , constant innovations, such as the radio training and the quality of our great team of trainers.
For this professional team, we are always looking for new employees who are committed and enthusiastic about water sports and can certainly expand their own skills at the sports camp. There are opportunities for professionals for a full-time job, but also for temporary staff in the high season.

We are an official school recognized by the VDWS and VDS, which is authorized to train instructors. So if you want to qualify yourself with a sports education next to your job, you can do this at the sports camp on Lake Garda. We also offer these "career changers" an occupation, which under certain circumstances can be long-term. In the meantime, professors and management trainers also work very successfully as sailing instructors at the sports camp for a few months a year.
Who is interested please send an application mail to write.

Gruppe in einem Schlauchboot

Current vacancies

VDWS surf instructors with training experience for the period June-September and assistants for the high season July/August. Prerequisite are at least practical skills especially in swordboard surfing, which are sufficient to teach beginner courses.

Wingsurfen & Wingfoilen . VDWS- Kurse ab Anfang Mai bis 10. Oktober. Teilnahme an Instruktorenkurs vor der Saison ist möglich. Eventuell auch kürzere Zeiträume ab 6 Wochen Mindestdauer.

1. sailing coach / sailing instructor for long term employment. Season on Lake Garda from March to November or May-September.
2. young sailing instructor for optics courses in the holiday period July /August.

For catamaran courses at a high level (F-18 technique, genack sailing) for the season from April to October, preferably for several years.

Foilen auf Waszp und Skeeta und Foilcats. Voraussetzung für diesen Job sind entweder bereits praktische Erfahrung auf diesen Foilern oder zumindest Erfahrung auf Gleitjollen und Skiffs, körperliche Fitness und Erfahrung als Trainer, auch aus anderen Sportarten. Wir ermöglichen Dir einen schnellen Einstieg ins Foilen in einer Trainingszeit vor Deinem Start als Foiling Trainer*in im Sportcamp. 

VDWS or IKO kite instructor with experience. Boat training! From July to mid-September, possibly also as a foil kite instructor.

Wichtige Mitarbeiter im Team für Kundenservice am Strand und Auf-und Abbau der Cat-Segel-und Surfstation. Voraussetzung: Segel-und Caterfahrung oder Surfen. Einsatzzeit ab Anfang Mai oder /und in Hochsaison ab Juli bis Mitte September

Child care
Wir betreuen die Kinder, während die Eltern in Ihren Kursen beschäftigt sind. Einsatzzeit in den Pfingstferien und den Sommermonaten und Ferienzeit Juli bis Mitte September

More information about each of the offered positions on request. Please apply with a short CV and possibly references as well as details of your qualifications and sporting career to
